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Product Info

UKG Pro People Assist

UKG Pro™ People Assist gives your HR team the solutions required to understand and support people in a meaningful way, all while providing the outstanding customer service that employees expect today. Empower employees to find answers to their HR-related questions through an on-demand, user-friendly, personalized knowledge base. They can also initiate more complex requests to HR, and have the request automatically routed to the right person or group to help resolve it.

UKG Pro People Assist

HR Agility
With Pro People Assist, HR professionals are armed with the user experience and features they need to effectively understand and support employee requests, including those that span multiple software systems and stakeholders.

Empowered People
Employees can search the Pro People Assist Knowledge Base for articles and forms personalized for them using data already in UKG Pro–giving employees information how they want it and easing the heavy HR workload.

Optimized Service Delivery
Pro People Assist allows HR to track and report on key metrics, including SLA performance, requests by category, time to resolve, and more in order to measure and continuously improve HR service delivery performance.